Rule criteria broken down

Understanding each rule section will help you design and implement better rule functionality. So let's understand each section:




When - The trigger

Inbound email - rule will apply to all emails coming in to the inbox

Inbound (Thread reply only) - rule will apply to email replies only*

Inbound (New thread only) - rule will apply to new emails only

*If your end client replies to your email but changes the title or previous recipients, then Loop will assume this is a new email

Outbound - rule will apply to all emails going out of the inbox

Outbound (thread reply only) - rule will apply to email replies only*

Outbound (new thread only) - rule will apply to new emails only

*If you reply to an email but change the title, edit recipients or forward the email, then Loop will assume this is a new email

Tag Update - rule will apply only when a tag is updated and is not triggered by the age of the email

IF - The condition

Sender domain - rule looks at the domain of the sender only

Sender email - rule looks at the whole email address of the sender

Recipient email - rule looks at the whole email address of the recipient

Subject - rule looks at the subject of the email only

Email body - rule looks at the content in the body of the email only

** All of these has contains, does not contain, equals, does not equal, starts with, ends with

Day of the week - Rule will read what day the email was received

Email import time - Rule will read what time of day the email was received*

* You can choose different time zones here

Assigned to (any) - rule will look at who is assigned the email

True - rule doesn't look for any other criteria except the WHEN above

Additional IF criteria will appear when you choose WHEN - TAG UPDATE

Tag - rule will look for any changes to the system tags - resolve, assign, unassign, archive and delete

Custom tag removed - rule will look for any #tags you have removed

Customer tag added - rule will look for any #tags you have added

THEN - The outcome

Assign - rule will assign to a single person selected

Assign using round robin - rule will distribute assignments between a group of people equally in order

Assign using workload management - rule will distribute assignments between a group of people depending on their workload

Follow - rule will subscribe you to email updates in your Loop Inbox

Unfollow - rule will mute you from email updates in your Loop inbox

Archive - rule will archive the thread

Delete - rule will delete the thread

Resolve - rule will mark the thread as resolved

Post chat to team - Rule will post your custom chat to the side chat of the email thread

Mention someone - rule will mention someone in the thread

Forward to - rule will forward thread to your chosen destination

Reply with canned response - rule will auto respond using a canned response

Add tag - rule will add a #tag

Remove tag - rule will remove a #tag

Force archive - rule with archive (regardless of peoples private triage settings)

Do nothing

As you can see, there are loads of ways to automate your workflows. We have some examples here.

You can have multiple rules which follow each other - make sure they are ordered in the order you want them to be applied. There is an option to "stop processing other rules" which means any rule following this one - even if the criteria is matched, wont be applied to this email thread.

If you are unsure, please do reach out to and we will be happy to help.

Last updated