Shared Inbox Settings

You can change the settings for each individual shared inbox that you have set up.

If you are an admin you will be able to see a full set of settings.

If you are not an admin you will not be able to make any changes, you only have access to view the ‘General’ and ‘Members’ sections. The only action you are able to take is leaving a shared inbox.

To access shared inbox settings go to Settings > Shared Inboxes.


  • Image - Upload/edit an avatar or image to display alongside the shared inbox name

  • Shared Inbox name - Edit the shared inbox name

  • Description - Edit the description

  • Actions

    • Leave the shared inbox

    • Delete the shared inbox (Only available to admins of the shared inbox)


  • Email - this is the email for the shared inbox. It cannot be edited.

  • Display name - Edit the display name - this is the name that appears when you send an email from the shared inbox

  • Syncing

    • Status - If your account has been disconnected, e.g you’ve had to reset your password, you can come here and re-sync the account. If you click on this button you will be redirected to the authentication process.

    • History - Select a date that you want to import your history of emails from. You can also choose where you want the imported emails to be stored - No action (Inbox), Mark as resolved, Move to archive or Move to delete.

    • Policy - Choose for emails to be kept in the inbox, deleted or archived. All emails will be received and will be visible to team members accessing the shared inbox. This setting will only affect the inbox within the source account attached to the shared inbox.


Search - Use the search bar to find a member of the shared inbox

Admins - A list of who has admin access to the shared inbox. To remove someone as an admin or from the shared inbox, click on the 3 dots to the right hand side of their name and select the action you want to take.

Users - A list of people who are members of the shared inbox. You can promote someone to ‘admin’ or remove them from the shared inbox by clicking on the three dots to the right hand side of their name.

Add - You can add people as admins or as regular members. Before you add someone, make sure that you have selected ‘Admin’ or ‘Members’ to ensure you add people with the desired status.

Once you’ve selected ‘Admin’ or ‘Members’ click on the ‘Add’ button. You will see a pop up window. The system will suggest other people with the same domain as you, as well as contacts that have interacted with the email address belonging to your shared inbox. You can also add people not on the list by typing in their email address at the top beside the magnifying glass icon.


Rules are a great way to help organise your shared inbox and automate your team's workflows.

You can automate what happens with new incoming messages, how they are assigned to your team, which emails skip the shared inbox altogether or make sure that your VIP customers get priority service.

To add a new rule click on the ‘Add rule’ button. You will then be able to choose the logic you want this specific rule to have.

To enable/disable a rule click on the switch to the right of the rule. When the switch appears blue the rule is enabled, when it’s grey the rule is disabled.

To edit/delete a rule click on the three dots to the right.

SLA - Service Level Agreement

This is where you can adjust the settings which are in place to give your and your team a nudge when something has not been responded to or resolved.

You have 2 options to set:

  • Send a nudge when a user fails to respond to an assigned task within in ‘X’ hours/days

  • Send a nudge when a user fails to resolve an assigned task within ‘X’ hours/days

To enable/disable the nudge click on the switch to the right. When the switch appears blue the SLA is enabled, when it’s grey the SLA is disabled.

To edit the SLA click on the three dots to the right.


You can enable reporting so that each day, specific users will receive an email detailing the activity that has occurred within your shared inbox.

Enable/disable - When the switch appears blue reporting is enabled, when it’s grey reporting is disabled.

Send reports to - You can choose to send reports to the whole team, only to the admins or to a specific list of recipients.

Custom list - If you choose to send reports to a custom list then their names will appear. Click on the ‘Add’ button to choose who you want to send the report to. If you need to remove a recipient from a custom list simply click on the three dots to the right of their name.

Video guide

This video explores the Settings for both Shared Inboxes and Teams.

Last updated